Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Reader Interviews

For this assignment, we were given a set of questions to ask friends about their reading habits. I worked with my classmate, Maggie Bush. All of my interviewees were college students. Not surprisingly, I received unique responses from each individual. While some of my friends consumed a great amount of literature for personal enjoyment, others tended to do it only because it was an obligation. With all the changes in digital readers and the like, I was happy to see so many of them still reading hardbound books. Each of them consumed a wide variety of literature, including some of my all time favorites like Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.


Interview Questions with Kaytie Barfield

1.     Generally, do you think of yourself as someone who likes to read?
Honestly it would have to depend on what type of material. I generally enjoy reading history related or something that has a story behind it.

2.     When you read for pleasure, what do you read?
Crime fiction mostly, but then again I can always enjoy reading another Nicholas Sparks’ books.

3.     About how many hardbound books do you own, and of these how many would you classify as either “literary” or “literature?”
            I would just say a handful and would classify them as literary.

4.     In the past year, have you read a novel from cover to cover?
I read couple that I have previously read but not any new ones.

5.     When you sit down to read a book, how long do you read before stopping?
If it’s a book that I haven’t read before, I tend to be interested in reading from beginning to end if possible. Otherwise in my spare time, I’m usually limited to just a couple of chapters in a time period.

6.     How much time do you spend on social media each day?
I mainly look at social media between classes or during lunch and dinner. I don’t have enough time to actually dedicate full attention to  social media, instead it’s something to scroll through on my phone  during something else that has my attention.

7.     How much time do you spend on your cell phone each day (talking, texting, using Apps, searching the internet)?
I’m guessing 2 hours if you count that as me enjoying my lunch/dinner while scrolling through my phone and including the time to play music while I go on morning runs. I don’t have any extra apps for games, I do use the GPS sometimes if I’m going to a new location, and I do like researching about running races that are held near the location I live

8.     How much time do you spend either studying and/or working each day?  How much of this time is spent reading?
I spend an average of 25-30 hours of work a week, along with taking 5 classes. I study an average of 3-4 hours every other day since I don’t always get that chance while working everyday. 

9.     How much time do you spend on the internet each day?
If I’m fortunate enough, I’ll have an hour of spare time after I come home from work. In that time, I usually have netfix playing a series while I look up whatever is appealing to me at the moment.

10. How much time do you spend watching television or streaming video each day? 
I don’t watch television on a T.V., instead I watch it on my computer during that hour or so of spare time after work. Also there was no reason for me to bring a T.V. since I rarely use it. 

11. How much time do you spend totally unconnected from all media technology each day?
At both of my jobs I am not allowed to use my phone because I work with kids and it is too much of a distraction. Along with being in class, I have no reason to have my phone out while listening to lectures.

12. What are your favorite forms of relaxation and entertainment?
Well to be honest, in any spare time I enjoy running long distances (10-13 miles) in most mornings and drawing if possible. Otherwise sleep, because 25-30 hours a week of work and school really wear you out.

13. Complete the following sentences: “Reading is  . . .” is a way you can temporarily escape your current definition of reality.

14. Complete the following sentence: “My favorite book is . . .” Safe Haven

15. Complete the following sentence: “The word “literary” refers to . . .” basic items that make of literature, and how an author can express or how to get the meaning across to their readers.

16. Complete the following sentence: “Reading poetry is like . . .” is a creative way an poet can express their emotions, or to rhyme passages that can link together.


Interview Questions with Haylin

1.     Generally, do you think of yourself as someone who likes to read? Yes

2.     When you read for pleasure, what do you read? I read fictional books like Percy Jackson and The Olympians by Rick Riordan and The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare.

3.     About how many hardbound books do you own, and of these how many would you classify as either “literary” or “literature?” I have about 50 hardbound books and about half of my hardbound books can be classified as “literature”

4.     In the past year, have you read a novel from cover to cover? Yes

5.     When you sit down to read a book, how long do you read before stopping? Two hours (minimum) but I can read for several hours if I have time and enjoy the book.

6.     How much time do you spend on social media each day? Five minutes

7.     How much time do you spend on your cell phone each day (talking, texting, using Apps, searching the internet)? Six hours

8.     How much time do you spend either studying and/or working each day?  How much of this time is spent reading? Eight hours and about half my time is spent reading.

9.     How much time do you spend on the internet each day? An hour

10. How much time do you spend watching television or streaming video each day?  Two hours

11. How much time do you spend totally unconnected from all media technology each day? When I am in class and sleeping

12. What are your favorite forms of relaxation and entertainment? Reading, watching TV, and sleeping.

13. Complete the following sentences: “Reading is  . . .” an adventure with sudden twists and turns.

14. Complete the following sentence: “My favorite book is . . .” not one but several that have all been written by Rick Riordan. However, if I must choose, then I will chose the first book by Rick Riordan that I read, The Lightning Thief.

15. Complete the following sentence: “The word “literary” refers to . . .” a person’s signature in writing.

16. Complete the following sentence: “Reading poetry is like . . .” nails on a chalkboard.


Interview Questions with Hannah Parry

1.     Generally, do you think of yourself as someone who likes to read?
a.     Yes, I really enjoy reading! It’s a great way for me to relax and unwind after a stressful. I really don’t read as much as I would like to, due to time restraints with school and work, but whenever I do get the chance to carve out a bit of time to read, I always enjoy it.

2.     When you read for pleasure, what do you read?
a.     I really enjoy Shakespeare plays and things of a more literary nature. I really enjoyed classics like Frankenstein, Brave New World, Wuthering Heights, Paradise Lost, the Aeneid, and the like.

3.     About how many hardbound books do you own, and of these how many would you classify as either “literary” or “literature?”
a.     I probably own between 100-200, and I would say about one half to three quarters of them would be considered literary. The others are mostly textbooks or children’s books from my childhood.

4.     In the past year, have you read a novel from cover to cover?
a.     Yes! I have read several, including Brave New World, Paradise Lost, and The Aeneid.

5.     When you sit down to read a book, how long do you read before stopping?
a.     I usually just read until I can’t anymore. I usually get really intrigued and immersed in whatever I am reading, so I try and read as much of it as I can in whatever spurts of time I have available for reading.

6.     How much time do you spend on social media each day?
a.     I probably spend an hour or two in grand total. I am usually busy with school and work, so I don’t have a whole lot of time to goof around on Social media sites.

7.     How much time do you spend on your cell phone each day (talking, texting, using Apps, searching the internet)?
a.     I spent a lot of time on my phone. I am usually consistently texting throughout the day, but in between I am usually reading science articles and corresponding to coworkers or professors about projects.

8.     How much time do you spend either studying and/or working each day?  How much of this time is spent reading?
a.      I spend at least 4-5 hours a day studying and doing homework. Working honestly varies week to week, but it can be anywhere from 1-4 hours a day, and some days not at all. I spend most of it reading, whether articles, SOPs, or textbooks.

9.     How much time do you spend on the internet each day?
a.     I spend most of my awake time on the internet, with the exception of the time that I am in my classes. I am usually juggling online homework with sites like Reddit, as well as the online software I use for work.

10. How much time do you spend watching television or streaming video each day? 
a.     I probably spend about 1-3 hours a day with a TV show on, but I am not usually watching intently. I mostly use it as background noise while I am working on homework and/or work stuff.

11. How much time do you spend totally unconnected from all media technology each day?
a.     I probably spend a total of a couple of my awake hours without being connected with technology.

12. What are your favorite forms of relaxation and entertainment?
a.     Playing musical instruments, reading, and watching TV

13. Complete the following sentences: “Reading is  . . .”
a.     A great way to enrich one’s mind while unwinding and escaping to a fictional world, with each and every word across the page adding meaning and substance to everyday life in the nonfictional world.

14. Complete the following sentence: “My favorite book is . . .”
a.     Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.

15. Complete the following sentence: “The word “literary” refers to . . .”
a.     The merit of a work. It refers to the writing prowess necessary in order to create such art, the thought that goes into the construction of every sentence in order to make a greater point not only about the story the novel tells, but about humankind. “Literary” refers to a work’s ability to transcend the text and explain something much bigger.

16. Complete the following sentence: “Reading poetry is like . . .”
a.     Opening a window into the soul of the author, and marveling at every detail that went into crafting their thoughts eloquently and meaningfully.


Interview Questions with Brian Fief

1.     Generally, do you think of yourself as someone who likes to read?
a.     Yeah, I like it sometimes. Not my favorite thing in the world, but I don’t mind it.

2.     When you read for pleasure, what do you read?
a.     Usually lighter books that are an easy read.

3.     About how many hardbound books do you own, and of these how many would you classify as either “literary” or “literature?”
a.     I own a few, probably 10 to 20. There are a few novels, but most of them are just old textbooks.

4.     In the past year, have you read a novel from cover to cover?
a.     Yeah, I read Divergent.

5.     When you sit down to read a book, how long do you read before stopping?
a.     I just read for a little while before I get tired or something else comes up.

6.     How much time do you spend on social media each day?
a.     Probably about a couple of hours

7.     How much time do you spend on your cell phone each day (talking, texting, using Apps, searching the internet)?
a.     I usually text throughout most of the day. I also play a couple of games on my phone sometimes whenever I am bored.

8.     How much time do you spend either studying and/or working each day?  How much of this time is spent reading?
a.     I work 8 hours a day. I probably study about an hour or two. It really just depends on the day.

9.     How much time do you spend on the internet each day?
a.     Maybe an hour or so. I am busy with work, so I am not on my computer much.

10. How much time do you spend watching television or streaming video each day? 
a.     Not much. Again, I am usually busy working.

11. How much time do you spend totally unconnected from all media technology each day?
a.     Usually all of my time at work is spent mostly disconnected from any technology, Sometimes I still text at work though.
12. What are your favorite forms of relaxation and entertainment?
a.     Napping and hanging out with my friends

13. Complete the following sentences: “Reading is  . . .”
a.     A form of entertainment.

14. Complete the following sentence: “My favorite book is . . .”
a.     Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

15. Complete the following sentence: “The word “literary” refers to . . .”

a.     Something referring to literature or books.

16. Complete the following sentence: “Reading poetry is like . . .”
a.     Reading a song without the music